We're building open source technology to help bike enjoyers find each other on decentralized social media and making that technology available for all communities to use.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Recurring contribution
Monthly Booster
Bikesky relies entirely on contributions from bike enjoyers to build and run the open source services that help us find each other. If you enjoy th... Read more
Starts at
$5 CAD / month
Recurring contribution
Yearly Booster
Bikesky relies entirely on contributions from bike enjoyers to build and run the open source services that help us find each other. If you enjoy th... Read more
Starts at
$50 CAD / year
Custom contribution
Bespoke Booster
Bikesky relies entirely on contributions from bike enjoyers to build and run the open source services that help us find each other. If you enjoy th... Read more
Bikesky is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Bikesky.

Bikesky is building a way for bike enjoyers to find each other on decentralized social media.
We're an inclusive and supportive community. We welcome people who enjoy bicycles in any way shape or form, whether it is for commuting, for fitness, for the sport of it or just for fun.
Bikesky aims to:
- provide excellent and fun content to our community
- promote a healthy and active lifestyle
- empower people in our community, much like a bicycle empowers people to move through their community
- support our members who are looking for help
- be a resource that helps other community builders do the same things
We're doing this by building open source tools and technologies on top of the AT protocol. We’re building custom feeds, curated starter packs, an extensive member directory, and a labeler that provides both community moderation and the ability to express ourselves with fun labels.
We believe we can make a positive difference in the world by leaning into our passions in a way that is selfless and generous towards our fellow community members.
There is so much more good work to do. And we’re going to have some fun doing it. We want Bikesky to be a self-sustaining entity that is entirely community driven and operates with transparency, integrity and a deep love of the pastime.
Support Bikesky and help us build a new kind of online community.
Our team
Derek van Vliet