Open Collective
Open Collective

Bishop Louis’ Transportation Need has been archived.

Bishop Louis’ Transportation Need has been archived and is no longer active.

Bishop Louis’ Transportation Need


Fundraising to support the Bishop’s travel and moving expenses


Bishop Louis’ Transportation Need is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Bishop Louis’ Transportation Need.

Calvin Ho


$2,500 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Added funds #175362
Added funds #175056
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$2,500.00 USD

Total disbursed

$2,500.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Kigali pastors and their Spouses Fellowship was founded in 2008 by two pastors wives during their regural evening prayer fellowship.
The two ladies were neighbours and met regularly to pray for their husbands and children ,then one day they decided to invite more pastors wives and their husbands to come and share the burdens they felt God was putting on them.
Many pastors and their wives came and loved the vision and became committed to it. The key biblical text which insired them all was Psalm 100.

The Objectives are:

To support and encourage pastors families to serve God and overcome the challenges in their ministry.

To support each other as pastors families during the hard times of poverty which many pastors encounter in the ministry.

To pray for financial help in covering medical bills and medical insurance for those who struggle to get.

To pray for our children who find themselves within the ministry where they encounter challenges in terms of being looked at as models in behaviour, church attendence and challenges of education costs.

To pray for education sponsorships for our children

To pray for our ministry so that we can be able to work in harmony with each other without jealous or fighting for positions in church.

Praying and helping young pastors who want to study theology and be well equipped in ministry.

Buying or trying ways to give pastors their clergical shirts or garments

To create retreat possibilities (three retreats annually) for ourselves and our children where we could together meet for a few days in a relaxing environment prayer for one another study topics of interest relevant to family and ministry and share happy moments.

Three annual holiday retreats for our children.

Praying or helping financially pastors who are struggling to build their own future house to stay in after retiring

The Fellowship is now comprised of 51 families (each family comprised of a husband, a wife and about 6 children).

We normally meet regurarly once a month, but because of Covid 19, this has been affected. Many pastors dont have internet so even meeting on Zoom was not possible. But hope to resume soon and with financial support start organising again retreats.

Our team