Open Collective
Open Collective

Frederick Bott


Founder of the VRENAR project at


VRENAR, a VR Metaverse related project, stems from research beginning in 2014. It began with a product which requires a Metaverse, which in turn requires a real world capable of realising a fully sustainable metaverse beneficial to all humans, no exceptions. Since a Metaverse is effectively a simulation of the real world with some virtual extensions, a fundamental requirement for the sustainable metaverse is a sustainable real world. Without that, there can be no sustainable Metaverse, but much more importantly, no "us" (Humanity). Since this realisation, around 2017, the PhD candidate project research which was underway initially to develop the initial product Metaverse product, has informally become 100% engaged in researching the global energy problem, which takes the highest precedence in the hierarchy of things that should be worked on.
The bottom line is that a metaverse must have no overheads, even negative overheads in terms of energy, to be genuinely sustainable and beneficial to all people. So it needs an external supply of free energy, as indeed does also the world we interact with and depend on for life.
So VRENAR for now is a wholly energy focused project. The work has yielded a System Analysis, and System solution, documented in around 280 stories and 5000 replies to comments in Medium, and a number of System Models used to support the concepts covered.
The study comes to a general, heavily evidenced, logical and mathematical conclusion that there is a problem now in the way we handle economy, with the result that we are not effectively using energy, and thus not integrating with nature, to the extent that our species, and in fact all living things, are in immediate danger of becoming extinct. With nothing changed, we are on course to end our living world. We see this manifesting in many ways.
We notice also that conventional business and academia seem unable to respond to this problem, since in some ways they / we ourselves are all instrumental to the problem, seemingly mostly oblivious to our part played in it.
The study shows that continuing with this harmful way of doing things is completely avoidable by radically changing certain things in our economy.
The details of those things are not simple to express, they are the result of many findings, and a few mistakes made along the way, but a complete system picture of how we must integrate with nature now exists, in all of the fragments in Medium, with the supporting models.
All of it so far has been funded by my own work as a contract systems Engineer in mostly unrelated subjects, working as necessary for clients when further funds were needed for my studies.
The effort that I would now like to be able to raise funds for, to avoid taking further valuable time out working for clients on unrelated things, are to formalise the findings in an overall system model which tells the whole story of how we need to integrate with nature, down to a worked example (My building; a town centre block of 64 flats), showing the basic principal of how we must do it by community solar, backed up by hydrogen, with all of the implications on industry, economy,  and society traced to all causes and effects.
This final system model is taking shape by way of an Enterprise Architect (TM) UML based system model which is partially simulateable, with also elements of Modelica, all validated by companion simulations done in Matlab Simulink (TM).
With still no exernal funds this effort could take a further year or more, as the time-outs needed to do client work are difficult to predict in advance
However with external funding, the work could be completed in a few months, six at most.
The work will yield tools and data useful for all parties, to assist with the work of implementing the researched community solar hydrogen ecology at all levels.
Thanks for reading, I look forward to working with, and for all parties interested in contributing.