Open Collective
Open Collective


Junior Full-Stack Developer 👨🏻‍💻 | Start2Impact student as Full-Stack Developer 📚 | Open-Source Book Ambassador 📖 | Former CEO and Co-Founder @ Discovery Entertainment 🕺

Total amount contributed

€20.38 EUR



Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #724761
Platform tip #724761
Contribution #724756
↑ Total contributed

€20.38 EUR

↓ Total received with expenses

--.-- EUR


I worked for about 5 years as an IT systems engineer, co-founded a startup and now work independently as a freelancer in the IT and digital fields that I am passionate about.

On a daily basis I strive to train and grow as a full-stack developer as well as in growth, marketing and occasionally in the role of content creator.

Since after my studies I have worked in the IT and digital fields, exploring the industry with an experimental approach, trying to increase my skills every day.

Over time, my path has led me to a multi-potential background spanning the technical, administrative-managerial and communication fields.

Innovation, optimisation, training and experimentation, together with a pinch of creativity are the principles that guide me every day.

I have improvised many roles over the years and what I don't know I learn to achieve my goals and those of my clients.

I am also a traveller, a sportsman but above all a nerd!