Open Collective
Open Collective

Brigg and Areas Mutual Aid


Support our local community around Brigg during the Covid-19 pandemic. Voluntary donations will be used to support those most in need. You can also pay for your shopping using this service too and we will reimburse your volunteer. Please share.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

One-time contribution
Pay for your shopping

Use this to pay for your shopping which your volunteer has bought for you.

Latest activity by

Recurring contribution
Brigg Backer

Voluntarily donate from £5 a month to be a Brigg Backer.

Starts at
£5 GBP / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
Recurring contribution
Brigg Believer

Voluntarily donate from £50 a month to be a Brigg Believer.

Starts at
£50 GBP / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 36

Top financial contributors


£385 GBP since Apr 2020

Christine Wells

£200 GBP since Jun 2020

Sally Smith

£195 GBP since Dec 2020

Carole Scott

£150 GBP since Apr 2020

Shirley Stephenson

£100 GBP since Jun 2020

Julie Hebblewhite

£100 GBP since Nov 2020

Susan Lawrence

£100 GBP since Dec 2020

Kristy Woollins

£100 GBP since Dec 2020

Hannah Dobson

£90.16 GBP since Apr 2020


£60 GBP since May 2020


£50.55 GBP since Apr 2020

steve precious

£50 GBP since Dec 2020

Gill Brown

£50 GBP since Dec 2020

Suze Elmore

£50 GBP since Dec 2020

A&J Barratt

£50 GBP since Dec 2020

Simon Rebecchi

£40 GBP since Jun 2020

B&S Cowling

£40 GBP since Jul 2020

Ken Harrison

£30 GBP since Apr 2020

Kim Dobson

£20 GBP since Apr 2020

Janice Hunter

£20 GBP since Apr 2020

Brigg and Areas Mutual Aid is all of us

Our contributors 42

Thank you for supporting Brigg and Areas Mutual Aid.

Hannah Dobson


£90 GBP

£30 dunham's bakery


£385 GBP

Sally Smith

£195 GBP

Carole Scott

£150 GBP

Shirley Steph...

£100 GBP

You are doing a great job

Julie Hebblew...

£100 GBP

Susan Lawrence

£100 GBP

Kristy Woollins

£100 GBP


£60 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #492782
-£130.62 GBP
Today’s balance

--.-- GBP

Total raised

£2,266.54 GBP

Total disbursed

£2,266.54 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


With things ever changing, I wanted to make a note up here that one of the main focuses of the fund's support is now to support Brigg Food bank. Donations will help to pay for fresh meat and produce together with other essential foodbank items. The fund may still be used for other things as outlined below but this has been a need that has been identified as being priority.

This is a sub group of Wellbeing and Community Aid North Lincs for residents in Brigg and the surrounding area to help each other out during the Covid-19/coronavirus pandemic. We will be looking to help people access food, complete errands and provide accurate and timely information on the local picture, particularly those who are elderly, disabled and/or immunocompromised.

You can read more on the council's website too about Community Support / Mutual Aid groups at the following link and this has all the groups in the area too. North Lincolnshire Council's Community Support Page.

You can see exactly where your money goes with this fund as all transactions are shown on this page under the 'budget' section. Thank you for any support you can offer. This may be a donation, a regular contribution or sharing our fund with your contacts to enable us to get the word out.  You can also donate using "Incognito" if you would like to remain anonymous.

When making donations, where possible we would really appreciate you using the 'bank transfer' method. Please be aware, this process will not be immediate as it will be added manually on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when received by our Fiscal Host. You will receive an email with the details and your unique reference number, please ensure this reference is correct in order for it to be added to the fund. If donating by card (1.4% + 20p), we do incur fees for these. We appreciate this may be easier and ask where possible you can support in covering any of these fees.

We ask that, where possible, you contact one of the admins in the first instance if you would like support from our fund. This ensures we can manage expectations as best as possible and support you as needed.

This fund has been setup and can support with the following (please be aware that not all expenses submitted may meet our criteria or we may have to prioritise requests based on need depending on the funds available. Please contact us or see our expenses policy for full details):

  • You can use this fund to pay for your shopping (and other errands) which volunteers are completing on your behalf. You can pay the funds in here to cover this and we will then distribute the monies to the volunteer who has completed your shopping. This way, no cash or bank details exchange hands between volunteers and those being aided. It may also be that your family would like to pay for your shopping on your behalf and they can use this as a way to do this also. A short 'How To' on this.
  • Voluntary donations into this fund will help to support those who are struggling financially during the pandemic. 
  • Volunteers at times have expenses to cover such as printing posters and safety equipment. Voluntary donations into this fund will help to ensure our volunteers are effectively equipped to help as many people as possible and as safely as possible.
  • Charities and community groups may need support during the pandemic and may want to ask for support. Voluntary donations into this fund will enable us to do this also.

You can view our Safeguarding Procedure here which is our best practice document that we provide to all volunteers.

You can view our Expenses Policy here. This is also available to read when you press "Submit Expense" on this page.

All group members are volunteers within the community and the group operates on a basis of compassion, respect and mutual aid. Our group is part of a national network aiming to ensure no one is left isolated due to the current pandemic. All volunteers are individuals who are wanting to support at this time and we act as a facility to support this. We are not an organisation. The only requirements to join are compassion, a genuine desire to help the community and a common sense approach to hygiene and social distancing whilst helping others. We are an inclusive group and welcome EVERYONE from any walk of life. Any action, however small, is appreciated, valued and can make a real difference!

If you have any questions about this fund, there are a number of FAQs which our fund's Fiscal Host (The Social Change Agency) have put together. You can read the FAQs here. You can also contact one of the admins.

Thanks so much for your time and any support you can provide.

Olivia Bailey ([email protected]
Clare Drayton ([email protected]

Our team

Hannah Dobson

£30 dunham's bakery