Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid has been archived.
Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid has been archived and is no longer active.

Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid is all of us
Our contributors 252
Thank you for supporting Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid.
Bronzeville K...
$1,500 USD
Sophie Bauers...
Core Contributor
$1,180 USD
Justin Williams
Core Contributor
Project Fierc...
$54,900 USD
Chicago Beyond
$41,000 USD
Margot Pritzker
$20,000 USD
$11,000 USD
Brian Lampert
Baby Supplies
$1,950 USD
Zoe Fox
$1,900 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Fund Disbursement
Divested (fund disbursement)
from Hack Club to Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid •
-$39,862.34 USD
Balance transfer
Balance transfer
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$173,852.37 USD
Total disbursed
$173,852.37 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid
Updates on our activities and progress.
BKMA - New Fiscal Sponsor
Greetings Amazing People,We hope this message finds you well. As always, thank you for all the support you have shared with BKMA and the communities we support. We got us!Some of you may have heard that our fiscal sponsor, Open Collective F...
Published on June 20, 2024 by Bronzeville Kenwood Mutual Aid
New Car
Beautiful People, Thanks to your contributions we were able to help one of our neighbors buy a car!!!!! This is a amazing as it gives them more agency to do what the need and want to do with their family. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!...
Published on April 6, 2021 by Cosmos Ray

Bronzeville/Kenwood Mutual Aid (BKMA) is a grassroots group of neighbors, friends, and families who use mutual aid and exchange principles to address, heal and acknowledge our communities’ strengths, gifts, and needs. BKMA is based in the Bronzeville and Kenwood neighborhoods of Chicago. We formed as a community mutual aid spoke in the greater Chicago Mutual Aid wheel in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects of COVID-19 have not only hit our communities as a public health crisis, but also as a socioeconomic crisis. We work in our communities to identify our allies and embolden community coalitions and initiatives. This includes everything from working on issues of food justice and resilience, to providing supplies for new mothers, personal protective equipment (PPE), assistance with transportation and translation services to assisting people who need help with filling out applications. As a grassroots organization, we are 100% self-funded and volunteer-based. 100% of all donations made to BKMA will be used to directly further our community initiatives and mutual aid practices.