Northside Chicago Prison Letter Writing Coalition (NC_PLWC)
The NC_PLWC is action-oriented and operating under the principles of revolutionary abolitionist community organizing. We directly respond to the needs of incarcerated and housing-insecure, people disproportionately effected by systemic injustices.
Transparent and open finances.
↑ Total contributed
--.-- USD
↓ Total received with expenses
$53.43 USD
Our collective began as the Rogers Park Prisoner Letter Writing Coalition, but has grown to include actions that challenge the prison-industrial-complex (PIC) while building solidarity and community accountability in our neighborhoods on Chicago’s northside.
Our concurrent projects include ongoing letter writing as a form of solidarity with incarcerated folks, as well as fundraising to sustain our community-organized warming center at the Bryn Mawr red line stop in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. This informal network has emerged as a means to address the needs of populations that the state continues to treat as disposable. We operate under the principles of direct wealth redistribution and bottom-up leadership, recognizing that the oppressed know best how to address their needs; thus, funds are given directly to housing insecure peoples. We currently table every Saturday at the Bryn Mawr train stop to distribute money, PPE, hot breakfast, tents, warm
clothes, toiletries, and other items.
Our concurrent projects include ongoing letter writing as a form of solidarity with incarcerated folks, as well as fundraising to sustain our community-organized warming center at the Bryn Mawr red line stop in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. This informal network has emerged as a means to address the needs of populations that the state continues to treat as disposable. We operate under the principles of direct wealth redistribution and bottom-up leadership, recognizing that the oppressed know best how to address their needs; thus, funds are given directly to housing insecure peoples. We currently table every Saturday at the Bryn Mawr train stop to distribute money, PPE, hot breakfast, tents, warm
clothes, toiletries, and other items.