Bug bounty: Fix Vulkan full screen support has been archived.
Bug bounty: Fix Vulkan full screen support has been archived and is no longer active.

Bug bounty: Fix Vulkan full screen support
Part of: Stride Game Engine
Currently full screen Vulkan support is not working and we would like to get this fixed.

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-$120.00 USD
Contribution #521649
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$200.00 USD
Total disbursed
$200.00 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Completed: https://github.com/stride3d/stride/pull/1709
Currently full screen Vulkan support is not working and we would like to get this fixed.
see Github ticket: https://github.com/stride3d/stride/discussions/1334
Currently full screen Vulkan support is not working and we would like to get this fixed.
see Github ticket: https://github.com/stride3d/stride/discussions/1334
Interested? please follow steps below:
- Reply in this topic, if you are interested in fixing this problem and tag @stride3d/stride-contributors
- Details are discussed on how to Approach, deliverables
- Once a Stride contributor has given a go, the bug is 'reserved' on your name
- Any PR to the Stride repo must be reviewed by a contributor and discussed if needed.
- Once a PR is reviewed and merged to the Stride repo, the submitter 60% of the bounty.
- The submitter receives the remaining 40% when a Stride release happens.

Bug bounty: Fix Vulkan full screen support is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Bug bounty: Fix Vulkan full screen support.