Open Collective
Open Collective
Published on June 10, 2022 by Carol Rabun

For 2022 we are moving more food than ever to people in need.  I live in a poor zip code.  My 29 volunteers bring donated food to my house.  Under the carport we bought last year, we distribute all the food.  No qualifying no limits. Take what you can use.  All the perishables are in refrigerators, coolers with ice packs.  We are picking up more stores this year to receive donations from.  We picked up Good Apple who is donating 100 boxes of fresh vegetables.  I have 2 homeless camps near my house.  Several people from there are able to get fresh vegetables and meat if they have ways to cook.  Others who can't cook are given can meats and vegetables, cereal, shelf stable milk.  We buy tents for them as needed.