Open Collective
Open Collective
Ouverture au financement participatif
Published on May 27, 2022 by Xavier

After receiving financial support from the City of Geneva for its launch, Caroster is opening up to participatory financing to guarantee its long-term viability.

Caroster's ambition is to become a benchmark in the organization of carpooling for events and leisure activities, by setting itself apart through :
- Maximum free access
- Ease of use and efficiency
- Participatory financing

Caroster must also express itself as an Open Source-licensed digital commons, so that as many people as possible can make it their own and adapt it to their needs.
So, from the user to the developer, we want to give the project the means it needs to belong to a community and evolve as such.

The fact that it's free must not devalue the work put into the project, which aims to solve a complex problem with a solution that's as simple and accessible as possible. So we'll be making the project as transparent as possible, starting with its finances, its source code (to be financed), and then its governance in the future.

This first stage of open finance is crucial to Caroster's future, and we value all your future support with the consideration and attention it deserves.

We look forward to continuing to build with you!