Open Collective
Open Collective


Caroster is a digital commons open source project offering a simple and convenient ride-sharing platform for events and leisure activities. Our objective is to decarbonize mobility through information on more sustainable transport offers.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Regular support

Support the project with a recurring donation. To cover maintenance and regular updates. Thank you !

CHF 10 CHF of CHF 5,000 CHF / month raised (0%)

Starts at
CHF 5 CHF / month

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Custom contribution

Become a main sponsor of the project for a duration of 6 to 12 month. Contact us to know more about conditions.

Starts at
CHF 7,500 CHF

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Custom contribution

And support events with social and sustainable mobility! Read more

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Custom contribution

Pour avoir une mobilité sociale et durable à mes événements, je soutiens Caroster ! Read more

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Caroster is all of us

Our contributors 8

Thank you for supporting Caroster.





CHF 28,000 CHF

David Dräyer



Regular support




D. G.

Participation libre à Caroster



Participation libre à Caroster



Support the following initiatives from Caroster.


About Caroster 
Caroster was born out of a personal need (as many projects are). Its aim is to address the organizational challenges of arranging carpools for members of sports associations attending practices, tournaments, and competitions. The founder, Xavier, needed a simple and efficient solution to organize carpooling for his association. The result was Caroster, the Doodle of carpooling. 
What started as a personal idea became reality in 2020 and grew gradually, spreading by word of mouth without formal marketing. The attraction was such that Caroster now, in 2024, reaches up to 1000 events created per month. 
As the project evolved, so did its mission: to facilitate mobility for events through easy carpooling, aiming to reduce environmental impact and make shared transportation accessible. 
Caroster is developed and hosted by Octree, a non-profit studio creating digitals solution for the social and ecological transition. The project aligns with Octree’s vision to contribute to creating digital commons. By complementing public transportation networks, Caroster aims to shape the mobility landscape of the future. 

Get involved in the Caroster community 
Without its community, Caroster wouldn’t be where it is today. The Caroster community is essential to the platform’s success and growth. Whether you're a user, developer, researcher, or mobility expert, your involvement drives meaningful progress in shared mobility. Caroster encourages collaboration across different fields, enabling us to innovate and expand our shared platform in ways that benefit everyone. By contributing to Caroster, you're helping to shape a future where carpooling is easy, accessible, and sustainable for communities everywhere. 
Community members are invited to share their experiences, contribute feedback, develop new features, and support each other. Through open collaboration, we aim to create an accessible, eco-friendly future for shared mobility. 

What is a digital common? 
A digital common is a shared, collaboratively created, and managed digital resource. This includes open-source software, databases, and freely accessible content, such as geographic data from OpenStreetMap or articles from Wikipedia. These resources are governed by common rules to ensure their accessibility and collective use, empowering everyone to contribute and benefit. 


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

CHF 1,002.81 CHF

Total income

CHF 29,003.26 CHF

Total disbursed

CHF 28,000.45 CHF

Estimated annual budget

CHF 140.00 CHF


All time

Expenses paid


Amount disbursed

CHF 28,000.00

Tags# of ExpensesAmount
no tag
2CHF 28,000.00

View all paid expenses


All time

Contributions received


Amount collected

CHF 29,025.00

Tiers# of ContributionsAmount
6CHF 28,695.00
1CHF 330.00

View all contributions


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Caroster

Updates on our activities and progress.

Project news: The wait is over! Features you requested are now available in a new Caroster version

Dear Caroster users, We wish you all the best for 2025! We are pleased to announce the deployment of Caroster Beta 8! Thanks to your valuable feedback, this new version includes features that make organizing your trips even...
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Published on February 18, 2025 by Mathilde

Project news: restructuration, translations and feedback

Dear Caroster user, We hope you had a great summer! As we return after this break, let’s catch up on what’s been happening at Caroster. We have been working hard, and we are excited to announce that Beta Version 6 of Carost...
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Published on December 11, 2024 by Mathilde

Ouverture au financement participatif

After receiving financial support from the City of Geneva for its launch, Caroster is opening up to participatory financing to guarantee its long-term viability. Caroster's ambition is to become a benchmark in the organization of carpooling...
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Published on May 27, 2022 by Xavier