Open Collective
Open Collective

Chicago Egyptian Academy

To Educate young people in a Urban environment by using the Art's along side Life Skills in our after school program for 9yrs to 18yrs old


CEA            Each One Teach One

Director and Founder American Artist Mr. Lamonte' Johnson

History of Youth Projects in the U.S and the U.K:
 Bling ya Bike, Bling ya Fashion & Upcycling Fashion, Comicbook Workshops, Perfume Workshops 

See Youtube for more Video information

The main aim is the help and supports younger adults by using professionally skilled people with our craft of Art, Designing Upcycling fashions/ Upholstery, or Furniture.
Life, Skills Training, and Well-being.
Learning How to grow basic vegetables in an Urban City,
Understand  Electric Foods. Electric foods are plant foods that maintain their original electric DNA coding. The electric body has a chemical affinity with electric foods and digests them without producing harmful byproducts. Fruits. Apples; Dates; Figs; Grapes -seeded; Mango; Melons -seeded; Vegetables. Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach; Dandelion greens 

The long-term goal for students is to use the Arts and Life Skills projects to pass this information and skill base to the younger family members in their community.

 At Chicago Egyptian Academy, Inclusion is a key principle of the organization; we are open to ALL young people between the ages of 9 and 18yrs. We encourage and enable students from diverse backgrounds to work together as a key part of the project, as this leads to respect for those who are seen to be different, and enhanced community cohesion. However, there are certain groups that are vulnerable to marginalization and social exclusion, and some face exclusion from local schools. We make particular efforts to engage these students through our projects. Through our excellent outreach work, we attract marginalized, vulnerable, hard-to-reach, students and communities.

We are particularly aware of the vulnerability to social exclusion of young people with Disabilities. We work with young people with Hidden Disabilities, such as Dyslexia, ADHD, and some types of Autism, or young people with Mental Health issues. Young people with Hidden Disabilities, SEN, and other issues at school often find our projects extremely beneficial. Students with Dyslexia in particular can benefit from our projects as they are often gifted mechanics and artists, and excellent entrepreneurs! We also work with Young People with Physical Disabilities. However, we are aware that social exclusion, and cycling exclusion, have many causes, and hence we engage young people who are looked after, young offenders, young women, young refugees, as well as lapsed cyclists.

The Director and Founder of CEA  Mr. Lamonte  Johnson is Dyslexia

Most of our projects are open to all young people, however, we also run projects for specific groups, and to promote family and community cohesion through some of our combined groups. 

We offer: 

  • Projects for all young people aged 9-18yrs and 18-24yrs

  • Projects for young women only

  • Projects for lapsed cyclists

  • Projects for young offenders

  • Inter-generational projects

  • Projects for young people with Physical Disabilities

  • Family projects

  • Projects for young refugees


Our team


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