Christina Bowen
Knowledge ecologist. Building dynamic maps aimed at coherent futures. Co-founding cooperator @ Team Earth, Socialroots, and The Digital Life Collective. Human @hiproj.
Total amount contributed
$1,642.65 USD
Recurring Contributions
Active contribution
Amount contributed
£13.80 GBP / year
(£12 + £1.80)
Contributed to date
£36.00 GBP

Transparent and open finances.
Debit from Christina Bowen to social.coop •
Contribution #585337
Platform tip #585337
Debit from Christina Bowen to Open Collective •
Platform tip #585337
↑ Total contributed
$1,642.65 USD
↓ Total received with expenses
--.-- USD

Hello! Pleased to meet you.
I'm the co-founder of Social Roots, and founder of Team Earth, both LCA worker-owned cooperatives.
I also cofounded the Digital Life Collective, a magical collection of unlikely people seeking to nurture #TechWeTrust.
As a knowledge ecologist, I follow the transformation of information in communities and organizations as a wetland ecologist might trace the movement of nitrogen through a river system. While we can't tag an idea like a nitrogen isotope, we are building an understanding of what creates dams, pollution, or spawning grounds, and of what supports diversity and adaptability in our knowledge ecosystems. To help shed light on relationships and flows, I often use system and network maps. A catalyst, learner, and researcher, I am proud to be one of the few recommended Kumu mappers. In every endeavor I support, I work to align the structures of ownership with the values of all stakeholders.