Open Collective
Open Collective

CK's Technology News

Host fee: 0%

CKTN is a Nonprofit Organization that provides Tech, Security, Privacy related News.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions


Become a Backer for €2.50 per month and help us sustain our activities.

€2.50 EUR / month
Recurring contribution
Service support

€5.00 monthly support.

€5 EUR / month
One-time contribution
Custom Donation

Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Starts at
€6 EUR
Recurring contribution
Premium Monthly Support

€10.00 monthly premium support, this will give you a mention on the Open Collective page.

€10 EUR / month

Planned, it is not ready yet.

€50 EUR
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

CK's Technology News is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting CK's Technology News.



Right now donations and sponsoring is not possible. Sorry for that. 

CKTN is currently looking for a partner that collaborates with us in order to send actual donators and supporters - based on their support level - something back e.g. a sticker, coffee mug, or a hardware key. Sadly CKTN, so far, have not found a partner that meet our requirements, therefore sponsoring is not possible until this is done.

The reason why no sponsoring is possible until we found a trustworthy partner is that we would love give our supporters something back because a plain mentioning on this page is - to our standards - not enough.

This message will be removed once CKTN found an appropriate partner who likes to help with the sponsoring and accomplishing our vision. Once this is done you will be able to donate and sponsor with the provided options.

CK's Technology News or short CKTN provides the following 
  • Collaboration and financial help to other organizations. 
  • Guidance on Security and Privacy practices.
  • Individual assistance regarding best practices, networking, etc. for normal users.
  • Informing people about security threats, hardware changes and upcoming events.
  • We report about Tech Events, Interesting Hardware as well as News that might influence History.

CK's Technology News or short CKTN DOES NOT provide the following
  • We do not advertise products to make money out from it. We report and lists tools that might be of use to you, we are not sponsored by the people who made those tools
  • We do list or partnership with others that do not fit into our own profile and expectations. 
  • We do not sponsor others to gain reputation or to make it into the news, partners we sponsor get our full support and respect because we believe in them.

You can find us over several Social Networks

  • Logo Credit, the upper right thank you Logo goes to the KDE Community. Please consider supporting such real artists and FOSS developer, creators etc. in general.

Contributions to this campaign are used to help compensate developers, cover ongoing server and hardware costs, attend industry events, and more. All our expenses are publicly visible on this page.

Note: All website links for sponsorship tier rewards are marked "nofollow" to discourage SEO abuse.

If you have any further questions, then feel free to send us an eMail:  
  • CKsTechnologyNews[at] 

Our team