Open Collective
Open Collective
Public Core Meeting to Discuss Roadmap (July 7 @ 3 pm UTC)
Published on July 4, 2022 by Viktor Nagornyy

There will be a public core meeting on Slack in the #core channel on July 7th at 3 pm UTC (local).

The topic for discussion will be the roadmap, specifically what ClassicPress’s future might look like if we begin breaking away from WordPress and what that actually means.

In the past week, community members and core contributors discussed in #core channel different paths for ClassicPress to take. Re-forking from either 5.x or 6.x seems unlikely and continuing with backports isn’t really working to our advantage. So the meeting will focus on breaking off from WP and focusing on growing ClassicPress as a platform.

One thing to note is, version 1.x is an LTS version and will continue to receive bug fixes and security patches.

If you want to follow the meeting and/or participate, please join us at 3 pm UTC on July 7th in #core Slack. The transcript will be made available after the meeting.

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