Open Collective
Open Collective
Photograph of the lavendar garden in bud
Published on June 2, 2024 by Kirsty Harper

 The lavendar plants have started to fill the space to create a little low hedge which is how the design was anticipiated so that visually they meld together.  It is interesting to see how each plant is at a different stage of its development as due to the circular design of the garden , a quarter pie shape, each plant receives a different amount of sun.  This should extend the availability of the lavendar for the bees.  Here is a picture taken today of the lavendar in bud. The plant at the furthest corner received the most sun, the plant at the nearest corner is the last to bloom.  Can you spot the one special lavendar plant which looks different to the rest that has not any buds on it? It is the   Lavandula x intermedia ‘Woodhayes’.    This is possibly one of the longest-lived Lavenders ever recorded; and the plant  come from a mother plant which are well over 100 years old.  It is the plant in the seond row, next to the gap (to be filled next year with another one) with a blue green leaf. This is due to flower in July or August.