Open Collective
Open Collective

CMC Social

Fiscal Host: Mr. V

Provides social networking capabilities for end-users at


Transparent and open finances.

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CMC Hosting

from Mr_Vapor to CMC Social •
-$70.00 USD
-$40.00 USD
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

--.-- USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD

About is our Mastodon server instance on the Fediverse. The Fediverse is a decentralized social networking system that runs of the ActivityPub protocol, allowing interoperability between hundreds of decentralized social networking applications, i.e. Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, and even WordPress.

This type of social networking uses no algorithms and collects very limited data on it's users. We personally do not share or sell any information provided to us to third-parties.

This is social networking and social media controlled by the people, not corporations, and is one of our initiatives to encourage creatives to take back their power from corporate interests.

It currently costs about $100 a month to keep this operating.

Our team


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