Fiscal Host: The Social Change Nest
Home education collective in Lambeth

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Community Leadership in Motion
£4,000 GBP since Jul 2023
COALESCENCE is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting COALESCENCE.

Transparent and open finances.
-£506.00 GBP
-£500.00 GBP
-£200.00 GBP
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
£4,000.00 GBP
Total disbursed
£4,000.00 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

We are a Brixton Home Education collective
working with children and their parents. We offer weekly home education sessions with art and craft workshops and core subject learning.
Coalescence is allied with The UK's Children Act which states “Every child matters” , and we believe that must apply to the need that every child's learning style matters.
Along with standard learning methods, Coalescence aims to provide core subject learning through hands-on workshops to support the needs of children who learn by doing. We're inspired by democratic education's belief that students have the right to choose their learning process and trajectory.
Coalescence is allied with The UK's Children Act which states “Every child matters” , and we believe that must apply to the need that every child's learning style matters.
Along with standard learning methods, Coalescence aims to provide core subject learning through hands-on workshops to support the needs of children who learn by doing. We're inspired by democratic education's belief that students have the right to choose their learning process and trajectory.
We currently need funding to cover costs of a hall and KS3 maths, english and science teachers, art materials, a laptop and projector.
Our Safeguarding policy:
We recognise that : The welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the Children Act1989 All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
Coalescence recognises that all children have basic needs which include opportunity to acquire self-esteem, confidence, independence and responsibility, through learning and play.
Coalescence has responsibility to take appropriate actions and inform relevant organisations, when there is a concern a child is suffering from or likely to suffer from neglect or abuse.
Procedure for staff reporting abuse/fear of abuse:
When there are concerns about the welfare of a child this is reported to the project manager, who will make a written record of the information. Once information is gathered the project manager will proceed to contact the Local Authority within one working day. Advice from the Local Authority Designated Officer will be sought before further contact with the parents or the accused staff of an allegation.
Coalescence will follow the guidance in Lambeth Safeguarding Children Board’s ( LSCB) ‘Toolkit for managing allegations against staff in youth, voluntary and faith setting’.
When found necessary, Coalescence will liase with other organisations regarding concerns over a child/children such as Lambeth Social Services. Coalescence is aware that families may need to be informed when working with other organisations.
Lambeth Social Services have a duty under section 47 of the Children’s Act 1989 to investigate wherever there is a reason to suspect that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm. All child protection investigations are jointly worked with the Police Child Protection Team.