Open Collective
Open Collective
Celebrating 8 years of Cobudget | Free event Oct 3
Published on October 1, 2022 by Francesca Pick

As an open source tool, Cobudget has come a long way since it originated from the collaborative funding practices of various self-organized communities in 2014. As we celebrate 8 years of cobudgeting, we are marking an important shift: Hugi Ásgeirsson and Francesca Pick and their teams have joined forces to realize their vision of spreading collaborative funding practices and growing the open infrastructure needed to make this possible. 

Join us Monday October 3rd to hear Cobudget’s story, our vision and plans for the future, and learn directly from four Cobudget groups about their collaborative funding journey; challenges and all. 

We will be joined by:  
  • Dani Heusser | Freshwater Officer at WWF Schweiz (International NGO)
  • Wanda Franziska Christ| Project Finance Coordinator at The Borderland (Participatory festival)
  • Diana Monsberger | Community Builder at Blivande (Creative hub)
  • Linus Fast | Process leader at Malmö Tillsammans (EU funded collaboration including the City of Malmö)