Open Collective
Open Collective

Code & Coffee has been archived.

Code & Coffee has been archived and is no longer active.

Code & Coffee

Code & Coffee is a Vancouver-based lightweight speaker and coworking series for folks in tech


Code & Coffee is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting Code & Coffee.

Brooklyn Zelenka


$592 USD






Transparent and open finances.


from Code & Coffee to Code & Coffee
-$0.40 USD
-$620.55 USD
-$621.43 USD
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$621.43 USD

Total disbursed

$621.43 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Is there a language or technology you always wanted to explore? Only have an hour before you have to run for your morning standup? Just need to get some work done? No matter the language, level or how much time you have to spare - show up!

MUST HAVE: An upbeat positive attitude and have zero tolerance for stereotypes.

What is Code & Coffee?

Do you want to carve out some creative code time where you can work on your projects without anybody looking over your shoulder or wondering when you'll be finished with that feature? Or maybe there's a language or technology that you've really wanted to try but haven't found the time to do it!

Do yourself a favor and come out to Code & Coffee where you can sit down and code to your heart's content on whatever project you bring! Whatever the language and level, show up.

Code & Coffee is also a community stage! Most events are accompanied by a few short "TL;DR Talks" and sometimes hands-on workshops. If you're interested in speaking, drop the organizers a line right here on Meetup, or speak with us at an event!

Please note that Code & Coffee is not a recruiting event. Any recruitment posts will be removed.

What is Conf & Coffee?

Conf & Coffee is the Code & Coffee conference, held in Spring 2018. The call for speakers is now closed until the next Conf!

• Speaker Form (

• Interests Results (

The Code & Coffee Manifesto

A statement on beliefs and community values

We commit to nurturing ourselves and each other. Through experience, we have found that being open, empathetic and experimental leads to growth for yourself and others. Simply put, well-being is the foundation of all good experience. You are more than just a programmer: you are not your code, your commit history, or your résumé.

With these ideals in mind, take risks! Succeed. Fail. Ask for help. Get encouragement. Redesign. Be humbled. Toy with new concepts. Enjoy what you do and be gentle with yourself. Gentleness and kindness are strengths! Take pride in showing them.

Find growth. Build things that you find meaningful. Importantly, cultivate a variety of interests. They will craft you in surprising ways.

Follow your passions, and discover new ones. This is why we are here. This attitude is in all that we do.

~ Code & Coffee

MUST HAVE: A positive attitude and zero tolerance for stereotypes. See our Code of Conduct (

Social Media

• Come join us on Slack! We have a #code-and-coffee ( room on Vancouver Developers (!

• Missed a talk? We have a YouTube channel (!

• Say "hi" on Twitter (@codecoffeeyvr (


Code & Coffee is Open Source and a founding member of the Cambie Collective ( Want to use the Code & Coffee format elsewhere? We're documenting how we do things ( on GitHub (among other projects (! Fork us!

If you have an idea, experience, resource or edit that should be in one of our repositories, please submit a pull request :D

Our team