Open Collective
Open Collective

CodeHearts for Cardiology

"CodeHearts for Cardiology" offers coding tuition and problem solving assistance, and uses the proceeds to fund activites, equipment and comforts for local cardiology ward staff.

Today's Balance
Fund the Cardiology Ward Chri...


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

One-time contribution
Discord Access

Contribute £3 or more, and gain access to a Discord server. You can ask questions here, or for help solving a problem - or debugging a coding issue... Read more

Starts at
£3 GBP

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
Group Tuition

Donate over £25 and I will arrange for a small group of supporters to have a video call tutorial. In the tutorial, I will go over some programming ... Read more

Starts at
£25 GBP

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Be the first one to contribute!
Custom contribution
One-to-one Tuition

Contribute £50 or more, and I will reach out to you to arrange a session or two of one-to-one tuition. We can discuss the topics you wish to cover ... Read more

Starts at
£50 GBP

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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Top financial contributors


£50 GBP since Nov 2023


£50 GBP since Nov 2023


£15 GBP since Nov 2023

CodeHearts for Cardiology is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting CodeHearts for Cardiology.




£50 GBP


One-to-one Tuition

£50 GBP


£15 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

-£115.00 GBP
Contribution #709867
Contribution #709854
Today’s balance

£0.36 GBP

Total income

£115.36 GBP

Total disbursed

£115.00 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from CodeHearts for Cardiology

Updates on our activities and progress.

Goal reduced - and a massive thank you to our generous contributors!

A huge, huge thank you to those that have contributed. It really means the world. The resourceful staff have managed to raise some more money, meaning the total I'm looking to raise here has dropped from £900 to £350. As of this update, we...
Read more
Published on November 13, 2023 by Jon


This year, I am saddened to find out that our local NHS cardiology ward has fallen short of the budget required for their Christmas meal. This is a ward of 90+ Nurses, Care and Support workers, Administrators and more who work tirelessly, and in some cases, not far from thanklessly.

They have managed to raise some funds between themselves and some generous donors, but they are quite far from the target. As of creating this collective (2023-11-12), they are £900 short of being able to take approximately half of their staff out for a Christmas celebration (the ward must continue to run, so not everyone can attend!).

If this collective is successful, I would love to move on to raising more funds to help this fantastic bunch. They are often in need of basics such as coffee and tea, appliances like microwaves and dishwashers, cups, cutlery and more.

So, here is the plan:

If you are here, then hopefully you are someone who is new or in the early stages of learning to program. Perhaps you wish to start your journey to becoming a software developer, you're looking to pick up some programming to supplement your current job / hobbies, or maybe you're just interested in learning something new.

I am a software developer with three years of professional experience and many more of years of hobbyist experience. I would love to share with you some of what I have picked up along the way. I can help you with learning the absolute basics, or I can help you with wrapping your head around some of the more complicated concepts that might be blocking your progress.

Whether you prefer direct one-to-one sessions (through chat, call or video) or just the contact details of someone who can offer advice, I can help you out.

What I would ask in return is a donation to this cause from you. I don't have a set price. I would ask that you contact me and explain what you're after, and I can make a suggestion as to what would be a reasonable donation. For smaller donations, I would invite you to a Discord server where you can ask questions and I will try my best to respond quickly to you and offer the best advice I can. For larger donations, I will block out some time to have a one-to-one conversation in the format of your choosing. I can also try to block out regular slots if you think you'd benefit from more than one session.

What can I help you with?
I am more than happy to learn in just about any programming related topic you desire. Whether that be something language specific, deployment related, understanding data structures and algorithms and more. Of course, I am not an expert in all of these, and I will be very open and upfront about how much I think I can help you.

I spend most of my time working with the following technologies, so this may give you an indication of where I can be the most help:
- Python
- JavaScript
- Web APIs
- Webscraping
- API consumption
- Docker
- Linux
- VPS Hosting

How else can one help?
If you are not interested, or otherwise not in need of help learning to program, then you can help in two other ways:
- Volunteer to help teach
    Primarily this would involve just agreeing to help out and joining the Discord server, where you could help answer question and debug people's problems, but this could also involve signing up to do some one-to-one sessions if you feel comfortable with that.
- Donate anyway
Even if you don't wish to receive tuition, feel free to donate some money toward this cause. I will include receipts here for anything purchased and provided to help the ward.

Our team

