Colectivx Raíces Negras
Fiscal Host: All For Climate
We aim to provide Madrid based BIPOC with space to address eco-anxiety, learn about climate injustice and re-connect with nature.

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Financial Contributions
Colectivx Raíces Negras is hosting the following events.
Colectivx Raíces Negras is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Colectivx Raíces Negras.

Who We Are:
Colectivx Raíces Negras is a grassroots organization founded by and in support of BIPoC community members in Madrid, Spain who want to decolonize the climate justice movement through education.
Our mission:
We intend to create spaces for BIPOC to come together and deepen their consciousness of climate injustice through the delivery of free Climate justice awareness workshops where we will explore themes such as environmental racism, food sovereignty, resource governance, etc.
Our Vision:
Additionally we hold spaces for healing from eco-anxiety and a space to reflect on the realities of climate colonialism so that we may become better advocates for those living on the frontlines of the climate crisis.
In combination with these open spaces, we also want to offer free workshops to radicalized teachers where the facilitators will be able to present on content related to intersectional environmentalism in the climate justice movement that will serve to inform their community in several areas such as: food sovereignty, resource governance, etc. In order to help us offer these free workshops, we will need funding from organizations that align with our values in addition to contracting paid workshops with anti-bias training and forming long-term contacts with those schools/organizations.