Symbiosis: Beyond Sustainability Expo
A showcase of the abundance and diversity of impact stories and projects in regeneration. Join to expand horizons on what regeneration looks like in practice, and build new connections and relationships of support with regenerators worldwide.
Saturday, May 14, 2022, 3:00 AM - 5:00 PM (UTC-07:00)
Created by: GRC Activation Team
Fiscal Host: Inquiring Systems

The Symbiosis: Beyond Sustainability Expo is a showcase of the abundance and diversity of impact stories and projects in regeneration. Join us online on May 14th to expand horizons on what regeneration looks like in practice, and build new connections and relationships of support with regenerators worldwide.
Join us for a full day of interactive sessions and one-on-one interaction with project leads working in different fields of regeneration from all around the world: agriculture, ecosystem service restoration, finance, capacity building, art, science and many more. Choose your topics/tracks of interest, learn about the projects ahead of time, and look through the schedule to see when and where to find the people you'd like to learn more from or connect with to make the most out of the event. Or if you are more fond of intrepid exploration, just figure it out on the day: move around, participate in what strikes your fancy at the time and start random conversations. Choose your own adventure, and we'll be there to help you through it!
Network, find out how to get involved in projects, announce your needs or ways you'd like to contribute, and spend a meaningful day of active learning, connection and relationship building with a diverse community of other regenerators/regeneration-curious individuals.
Join us for a full day of interactive sessions and one-on-one interaction with project leads working in different fields of regeneration from all around the world: agriculture, ecosystem service restoration, finance, capacity building, art, science and many more. Choose your topics/tracks of interest, learn about the projects ahead of time, and look through the schedule to see when and where to find the people you'd like to learn more from or connect with to make the most out of the event. Or if you are more fond of intrepid exploration, just figure it out on the day: move around, participate in what strikes your fancy at the time and start random conversations. Choose your own adventure, and we'll be there to help you through it!
Network, find out how to get involved in projects, announce your needs or ways you'd like to contribute, and spend a meaningful day of active learning, connection and relationship building with a diverse community of other regenerators/regeneration-curious individuals.
Our team
David Witzel
Nikki Wall

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Contribution #539783
Contribution #539720
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$111.93 USD
Total disbursed
$111.93 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD