GRC Activation Team
Global Regeneration CoLab: let's accelerate a regenerative future!
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Become a regular contributor to the GRC with a recurring monthly donation Read more
GRC Activation Team is hosting the following events.
GRC Activation Team is all of us
Our contributors 78
Thank you for supporting GRC Activation Team.
David Witzel
$91,150 USD
Jyo Maan
$465 USD
Carolina Carv...
$60 USD
Benjamin Felser
David Hodgson
$5,000 USD
Jan-Gisbert S...
drink of spring water
$2,450 USD
Ben Roberts
drink of spring water
$2,420 USD
Kevin Maher
drink of spring water
$2,200 USD
Dave's Birthd...
$2,195 USD
It's a Celebration!
$2,175 USD
Cabot Lyford
Monthly Contribution
$1,445 USD
Christina Con...
drink of spring water
$950 USD
See this deck for more about the CoLab and what people are saying about it.
Global Regeneration CoLab is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems, Inc (ISI), EIN: 94-2524840. Please consider making a donation to GRC online (above) or by check. You can make checks payable to ISI with GRC included in the memo. Please mail checks to:
Global Regeneration CoLab
c/o Inquiring Systems Inc.
887 Sonoma Ave #23
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Our team
Transparent and open finances.
$16,291.12 USD
$118,613.06 USD
$102,321.94 USD
$29,295.79 USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from GRC Activation Team
Updates on our activities and progress.
GRC Community Supported Funding
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Supporting the CoLab
Published on November 4, 2020 by Samantha Suppiah
See this presentation here for more about the GRC and why we need y...