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Systematic Review and Mapping Methods Course has been archived.

Systematic Review and Mapping Methods Course has been archived and is no longer active.

Systematic Review and Mapping Methods Course

A 2-day online workshop on how to plan and conduct a systematic review or systematic map as defined by the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (

Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 9:00 AM - Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:00 PM (UTC+00:00)
Created by: ESMARConf


  • Are you interested in getting a comprehensive or accurately representative overview of a research question?
  • Are you looking for an accurate and precise summary of the impact or effectiveness of a particular factor or intervention?
  • Do you want to learn rigorous secondary research principles while you conduct a review of the literature, like how to search for literature, how to critically appraise evidence, and how to perform meta-analysis or qualitative synthesis?
  • Are you working with a high profile or controversial topic that would benefit from an independent, reliable summary of the evidence?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then evidence synthesis may be the thing for you! Whether you're wanting to conduct a review, looking to find an existing one, or commission one yourself, this course will give you an in depth understanding of the benefits of systematic review and systematic mapping, what they entail, and how to conduct them.

This course aims to introduce systematic reviewing and systematic mapping as methods for evidence synthesis. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the activities that are necessary to maximise comprehensiveness, transparency, objectivity and reliability throughout the review process. This step-by-step course takes time to explain the theory behind each part of the review process, and provides guidance, tips and advice for those wanting to undertake a full systematic review or map.

This course consists of a series of modules each including presentations, with some including practical exercises, that will introduce all of the methodological steps involved in systematic reviewing and mapping. 

Participants should have an understanding of how academic publishing works, and be trained in basic research design. The course has many examples from environmental and sustainability science, but the methods are applicable and transferable across any topic.

The course runs from 09:00 to 17:00 on the 19th and 20th March 2024 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, London UK). Sessions will not be recorded, but handouts will be provided.

The course is limited to 20 online participants.

The course will be run by Dr Neal Haddaway, an expert in evidence synthesis methodology. Read more about his research activities here.

Cancellation Policy
The registration fee is reimbursable on request until February 19th. From February 19th onwards, a 50% cancellation fee will be charged. If the event is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances a full refund will be provided immediately.


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Balance transfer
-£1,916.38 GBP
$2,419.53 USD
Contribution #747726
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$2,563.14 USD

Total disbursed

$2,563.14 USD

Estimated annual budget

$1,750.00 USD