World Water Day has been archived.
World Water Day has been archived and is no longer active.

World Water Day
Monday, March 22, 2021, 1:00 AM - 12:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: Extinction Rebellion COP Network

World Water Day Crowdfunder – supporting actions by rebels in the global south
March 22nd is World Water Day 2021. We aim to fund 20+ local Extinction Rebellion groups in the global south, particularly in Africa, so that they can take meaningful action on World Water Day.
Why? Because water is a life or death issue especially in the time of COVID: two in five people still do not have basic hand washing facilities. One in three people have no access to drinking water. Not only that, the effects of climate change ravage many countries in the global south with altered rainfall patterns, flooding and drought. Extractive industries pollute precious water. So rebels in many countries want their voices to be heard.
What? They are planning a wide range of actions from protest, to awareness raising and practical solutions. Support for these rebels is urgently needed!
Your Donation counts! We will use your donation to support the local groups in the global south to take action on WWD. The money will be for example spend on building water tanks, buying flyers and posters for demonstrations, supporting connectivity costs, etc.
Final day for donations: March 15th.
Why? Because water is a life or death issue especially in the time of COVID: two in five people still do not have basic hand washing facilities. One in three people have no access to drinking water. Not only that, the effects of climate change ravage many countries in the global south with altered rainfall patterns, flooding and drought. Extractive industries pollute precious water. So rebels in many countries want their voices to be heard.
What? They are planning a wide range of actions from protest, to awareness raising and practical solutions. Support for these rebels is urgently needed!
Your Donation counts! We will use your donation to support the local groups in the global south to take action on WWD. The money will be for example spend on building water tanks, buying flyers and posters for demonstrations, supporting connectivity costs, etc.
Final day for donations: March 15th.
#WeAreWatchingYou #ClimateJustice #TheWorldIsOne #LeaveNoPersonBehind
Nous voulons financer une vingtaine de groupes locaux d’XR principalement en Afrique afin qu’ils puissent organiser des actions pour la Journée Mondiale de l’Eau.
Pourquoi? Parce que l’eau est une question de vie ou de mort. Deux personnes sur cinq n’ont pas la possibilité de se laver décemment. Un tiers n’a pas accès à l’eau potable. Et ce n’est pas prêt de s’arranger. Les effets de la crise climatique ne font qu’empirer la situation en modifiant le cycle de l’eau, favorisant les sécheresses et les inondations. De plus, de grands groupes d’extraction occidentaux continuent de piller ces régions, contaminant les précieuses réserves d’eau potable.
Alors, que faire? Les rebelles sur le terrain sont déterminés et veulent faire entendre leur voix. Les groupes planifient des actions diverses comme des manifestations, des actions d’information et des actions de résilience sur le long terme. Mais ces groupes ont besoin de votre soutien financier!
Donnez ce que vous pouvez aujourd’hui sur la page de financement participatif d’XR COP.
Date limite pour donner: 15 Mars.
#WeAreWatchingYou #OnVousVoit #JusticeClimatique
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #158184
Contribution #155474
Credit from Tom Cobley to World Water Day •
Contribution #155456
Today’s balance--.-- EUR
Total raised
€6,040.73 EUR
Total disbursed
€6,040.73 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR