Community Protection & Defence
Fiscal Host: Food & Solidarity
A series of training sessions in order to build a community protection group - money will be spent on consumables, venue hire etc
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Financial Contributions
Community Protection & Defence is all of us
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In September this year, we held an event on the cost of living crisis. Where we discussed debt, the #dontpayuk campaign, and the history of similar campaigns including the poll tax non-payment campaigns and utility strikes in Bolivia and South Africa.
The day also included training on community protection!
Data from Citizen's advice, predict that huge numbers of people are to be put on prepayment metres over this winter, additionally many will fall behind with rent or mortgages. Utility companies are supposed to negotiate with customers that go into debt, offering a repayment plan and so on, but often we know this does not happen. Additionally, we know of people who have had metres force fitted when they should not have.
We are building a group in Newcastle that can help stop this happening – donation to this fund will be spent on training members of the community so that we are able to react fast to protect our members.
Data from Citizen's advice, predict that huge numbers of people are to be put on prepayment metres over this winter, additionally many will fall behind with rent or mortgages. Utility companies are supposed to negotiate with customers that go into debt, offering a repayment plan and so on, but often we know this does not happen. Additionally, we know of people who have had metres force fitted when they should not have.
We are building a group in Newcastle that can help stop this happening – donation to this fund will be spent on training members of the community so that we are able to react fast to protect our members.
We are holding a series of training sessions – so that members of the community know these skills and are able to work together to protect each other – the first is Friday 25th on Zoom @ 7pm sign up here.
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Community Protection & Defence
Updates on our activities and progress.
More workshops coming up! and news from our Recoco session!
On Thursday the 16th March we ran a great workshop with lots of people attending, sharing food & practising planning how to resist bailiffs! Thanks @RecoveryCoCo for hosting! We're growing...
Published on April 6, 2023 by Food & Solidarity
Workshop 1.30pm tomorrow Star and Shadow!
Published on January 13, 2023 by Food & Solidarity
Transparent and open finances.
-£28.25 GBP
Contribution #610322
-£30.00 GBP
Today’s balance£161.69 GBP
Total raised
£249.94 GBP
Total disbursed
£88.25 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP