Completed: Intermediate tutorials has been archived.
Completed: Intermediate tutorials has been archived and is no longer active.

Completed: Intermediate tutorials
Part of: Stride Game Engine
The C# intermediate tutorials example project contains the next set of C# examples and videos.

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Completed: Intermediate tutorials
Updates on our activities and progress.
All videos recorded
Hi fellow Striders, The final video of the intermediate C# tutorials has been recorded. The...
Published on June 20, 2022 by Aggror
First C# intermediate tutorials are live (1+ hour of content)
Hi fellow Striders, The first videos for the C# intermediate tutorial project have been recorded and a new Youtube playlist has been made publicly available. Important: The tutorial project is, at the moment of writing, on...
Published on May 16, 2022 by Aggror
Pull request merged - Recording has begun
Good news fellow Striders, The pull request for the C# Intermediate tutorials has been completed. This means that the tutorials project...
Published on May 3, 2022 by Aggror

Via the Stride launcher you can create an example tutorial project for the C# beginner tutorial course. The code used in this project is also reflected on the website of Stride's documentation. Stride Tutorials | Stride (
This projecst aim is to extend the tutorials with an intermediate tutorial set. The following list could be a good example of new tutorials:
This projecst aim is to extend the tutorials with an intermediate tutorial set. The following list could be a good example of new tutorials:
- Basic UI
- Collision triggers
- Raycasting
- Animation
- Loading a new scene
- Unloading a scene
- Loading child scenes
- Sound
- Navigation
- ...
These are the deliverables of the project:
- New example project 'Intermediate tutorials' which can be created from the Stride launcher
- Each tutorial has a start-scene: for those that want to tag along with the tutorial
- Each tutorial has a end-scene: for those that want to view the end result of the tutorial
- Wiki tutorial section updated with intermediate tutorials:
- Video tutorials on Stride's YouTube channel
When the tutorials are done, they will be publicly available on the beta branch. After dealing with feedback new videos can also be recorded/

Completed: Intermediate tutorials is all of us
Our contributors 8
Thank you for supporting Completed: Intermediate tutorials.
Lets make it happen!
$400 USD
Stride Game E...
Lets make it happen!
$262 USD
Lets make it happen!
$22 USD
Lets make it happen!
$10 USD
Lets make it happen!
$3 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-$676.87 USD
Contribution #488958
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$704.65 USD
Total disbursed
$704.65 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD