Open Collective
Open Collective

Neighborhood Funds

Fiscal Host: Common Agency

Neighborhood Funds that neighborhoods get to determine how to allocate.


Each Neighborhood Network has a Neighborhood Fund that neighbors who are active in building social cohesion are invited to determine how to allocate.

The structure of a Neighborhood Fund is decided by a crew of local Network Stewards who are exposed to concepts like participatory budgeting, investment funds, cooperative funding, local currency, participatory grantmaking, housing trusts, and time-banking.

Each Network Steward serves for 6-12 month terms, then rotates off to allow new energy. They use techniques like sociocracy's consent-based methodologies to make decisions.

By donating to this project, you are supporting the Neighborhood Funds of all the Networks that is generally split evenly. if you have a preference for which Network receives your donations, please email [email protected], and we'll take care of you 😊 

Thank you!!


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