Open Collective
Open Collective

Common Garden

Host fee: 0%

An Open Source Environmental Automation Platform



Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #6043
Today’s balance

-$500.00 USD

Total income

--.-- USD

Total disbursed

$500.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Common Garden is a platform for automating and collecting data from controlled environments. We provide growers and researchers integrated hardware modules to experiment in more cost-effective ways.

Problem: Individual gardeners, commercial growers, and research scientists alike face a huge barrier to entry when it comes to successful application of technologies like IoT, machine learning, and environmental automation - while industry hype is plentiful, cost-effective and appropriate solutions are lacking. Young companies and research labs traditionally rely on used (read: outdated, unconnected) equipment, as capital is scarce. Farms large and small face similar problems with interoperability - data from proprietary automation systems often being siloed, or worse, not collected at all (incomplete data sets from lack of connected sensors)…

Solution: Developments in bioengineering techniques, cloud storage, machine learning, cheaper sensors and connected hardware are converging. Low cost sensors and actuators cobbled into open-design modules, on top of an open source software platform, means we can build smarter automated grow systems at a price point that will help usher in a new agricultural paradigm.