——————— Our cornerstone project is coming soon: a social media platform built to help local people to support one another & improve their shared community.
We’re improving on technology pioneered by social networks, crowdfunding platforms, and local forums. But it’s not a tech company—it’s a platform cooperative, and if you’re on it, you own it.
——————— We’re on a mission to foster community collaboration in pursuit of a sustainable future built by and for locals. How?
1—Building technology, to make local cooperation easy, powerful, & fun.
2—Offering services, to uplift existing collaborations.
3—Developing projects, to foster understanding and mutual aid.
Our Current Focus is: SOLIDARITY in RHODE ISLAND
——————— While one day our tools will be used worldwide, our current area of operation is Rhode Island. We work with many communities, but are particularly focused on meeting the acute needs of Rhode Island’s budding ‘solidarity economy,’ including co-ops and community organizers.
Let's Collaborate on: MACHINES, MEDIA, and MOVEMENTS
Machines: We build simple, beautiful websites and other digital infrastructure.
Media: We make documentaries and other publications to help locals tell their stories.
Movements: We work with organizers to educate, empower, & celebrate our community.
Want to work together? Get in touch! There's a place for everyone at Commonplace :-)