CommunityRule has been archived.
CommunityRule has been archived and is no longer active.
CommunityRule is a governance toolkit for great communities. This project also supports related online-governance experiments emerging from the Media Enterprise Design Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder.

CommunityRule is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting CommunityRule.
Nathan Schneider
$350 USD
Smart Contrac...
$5,000 USD
The Bentway
$3,251 USD
$500 USD
Ryan Atkinson
$110 USD
Kathe T-B
$10 USD

Transparent and open finances.
-$733.14 USD
Contribution #541223
Contribution #87306
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$8,488.85 USD
Total disbursed
$8,488.85 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from CommunityRule
Updates on our activities and progress.
CommunityRule on OC sunsetting
As you may know, our fiscal host, Open Collective Foundation, is closing down. As a result, I am moving all funds from CommunityRule to the E2C Collective, which is a closely aligned p...
Published on March 14, 2024 by Nathan Schneider
What Should an Interface for Designing Governance Do?
This post was originally written for the Smart Contract Research Forum and is cross-posted ...
Published on November 2, 2021 by Nathan Schneider

Too many of our communities adopt default governance practices that rely on the unchecked authority of founders, admins, or moderators, lacking even basic features of small-scale democracy. The purpose of CommunityRule is to help communities establish appropriate norms for decision-making, stewardship, and culture. CommunityRule has been used by mutual-aid activists, open-source software projects, gamers, cooperatives, and more. Funds collected here will be used to support development, particularly by resolving Issues on the project's GitLab repo here.
CommunityRule is a project of the Media Enterprise Design Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder, in collaboration with the Metagovernance Project ( Anyone who finds this project useful, or potentially so, is welcome to contribute suggestions, changes, and additions. To contribute to the project, post Issues and Merge Requests to the project on GitLab (see footer for link), or send an email to [email protected].
Sibling projects, also supported here:
CommunityRule is a project of the Media Enterprise Design Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder, in collaboration with the Metagovernance Project ( Anyone who finds this project useful, or potentially so, is welcome to contribute suggestions, changes, and additions. To contribute to the project, post Issues and Merge Requests to the project on GitLab (see footer for link), or send an email to [email protected].
Sibling projects, also supported here:
Our team
Nathan Schneider