Open Collective
Open Collective
‘Can’t Pay Won’t Pay’ movement - short talk at our event on saturday!
Published on September 8, 2022 by Elgan

Ewan Gibbs will give a short talk about the poll tax and resistance to it, something that brought down Margaret Thatcher
Event is 5pm 10th September @
DiverCity Hub

Ewan Gibbs lectures in Economic and Social History at University of Glasgow. His research interests include energy politics, decarbonisation, deindustrialization and working-class politics. He has carried out research on the community mobilisation involved in the poll tax non-payment campaign of 1988-1990 and will speak about this research and make comparisons to the current situation of rapidly increasing energy prices. 

Ewan on Twitter today "Not that long ago, a ‘Can’t Pay Won’t Pay’ movement won a decisive victory in Britain. I’m looking forward to doing a short talk about what we can learn from the success of the poll tax non-payment campaign of the late 80s and early 90s for @NCLMutualAid on Saturday."