Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$100 USD since Apr 2020
$60 USD since Aug 2020
$25 USD since Apr 2019
$20 USD since Apr 2020
ContribKanban is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting ContribKanban.
Matt Glaman
$25 USD
$250 USD
Richard Sheppard
individual backer
$60 USD
Drupal Asheville
$25 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Drupal 9 upgrade
$370.89 USD
$670.89 USD
$300.00 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from ContribKanban
Updates on our activities and progress.
New interface for ContribKanban coming soon!
End of year update
Full 2019 update

ContribKanban exists to provide an organized way for community contribution sprints to help build Drupal. It allows for the transformation of Drupal.org issue queues into manageable kanban boards.
Who uses ContribKanban?
The Layout Builder initiative has used ContribKanban to focus development by displaying issues under the layout_builder.module
component and tagged for sprint
. https://contribkanban.com/board/LayoutBuilder
The Out of the Box initiative is using ContribKanban to create custom sprint boards by providing specific issue node IDs for active work https://contribkanban.com/node-board/450420fb-9f21-47ad-92f3-79520a84e581
Why contribute, and how your contribution will be used?
ContribKanban started as an experiment to learn AngularJS and the MEAN stack. Since then it has grown into a tool used by the community and at conference contribution days. Contributing to this project ensures that I have time to maintain the project.
Contributions will be used to:
- Provide hosting and infrastructure for running the project
- Sponsor development and maintenance time to continue developing the project
Our team
Matt Glaman