Open Collective
Open Collective
Fundraiser for Ash and Soundsystem Co-op proposal
Published on November 13, 2023 by Kawaii Punk

Fundraiser for Ash

Hi folks, thanks for you amazing donations. I cannot tell you how much this means to all of us.

We are now doing the first transfer out to a cash card for the crew to use in Glasgow. They've already bought coach tickets so will reimburse themselves for that. Accommodation is sorted. There's a chance the trial will be postponed again as happened to others in similar situations and there's no way of knowing ahead of time. This is all part of the repression tactics against the movement.

We will keep you updated.


Soundsystem Co-op proposal

I have extended the deadline of my proposal toΒ Friday 17th November to allow extra time for votes. No one has voted against yet so it's currently looking like it will pass but if you could add your voice to the process that would be amazing.

An example of how we could use the soundsystem co-op would be to put on a party to raise more money for Ash's fundraiser if needed.

Freedom, peace and solidarity