Thank you and goodbye
Published on July 8, 2021 by Rob Bailey
Dear Supporter
It’s time to write to you with a final thank you and goodbye as we close the fundraising account for Covid Print Oxford.
The most frantic period of our activities was in the first few months of the pandemic, where we helped to plug the immediate gap in PPE supplies for frontline workers, mostly in Oxfordshire, but also across the UK. Beyond that time, we carried on in the UK, but also with international donations to many countries in Africa and South America. If you followed us on Twitter, you will have seen photos of deliveries to the Democratic Republic of Congo, and our face-shields being used recently in Mexico’s vaccination roll-out.
We have a small amount of money left in our funds; this will enable us to repay a fraction of the costs of the DRC delivery, then we will close the account.
Thank you for being amongst those to show the best qualities of human nature. Our volunteers and our supporters who funded our activities made it possible to send tens of thousands of face-shields to protect the lives of those wearing them and the people they assisted. It was humbling to be one of the many groups, who between them sewed masks and scrubs, donated meals, made face-shields, and continue to this day organising the vaccination efforts. Many lives will have been saved by these groups and their supporters.
Wishing you and your loved ones good health
Rob Bailey and everyone at Covid Print Oxford
Stewart Desson
Posted on July 8, 2021