Open Collective
Open Collective

Neighbourhood Creative Agents

A peer learning adventure to activate and mobilise creativity in the places people live.


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Support the following initiatives from Neighbourhood Creative Agents.

I’m studying Creative Expressive Arts with Health & Wellbeing & volunteer in local community grou...

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I’m a freelance producer & facilitator with an interest in co-creating meaningful experiences wit...

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I’m a Project Manager for Junction Arts & in 2019 started a community cinema, Somercotes Cineroom...

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I’m a Creative Practitioner with a person-centred practise, fascinated by the collaborative creat...

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I’m a creative arts practitioner based in Belper & in my last year at studying Creative Expressiv...

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I'm a textile designer & artist, currently a member of Derbyshire TimeSwap offering some time to ...

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A nine month learning adventure bringing together six neighbours, from towns and villages across ...

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Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

£442.00 GBP

Total raised

£36,450.00 GBP

Total disbursed

£36,008.00 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£36,450.00 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Neighbourhood Creative Agents

Updates on our activities and progress.


Neighbourhood Creative Agents is a collaboration between Make/Shift and Platform Thirty1. Inspired by our shared commitment to put communities — their strengths, ideas, energy, ambitions and stories — at the heart of making positive change where they live.

This peer learning adventure is part of our action research approach. Testing ways of shifting more power, resources and ownership towards communities and deepening our understanding of how to create space for people to activate their creative potential and realise their own ability to make change. As opposed to the traditional ‘top down’ approach. You can read more about co-creation The Journey To Co-Creation and working on your doorstep What it means to work on your doorstep in our recent blogs.


We are Make/Shift. A growing collective of people, groups and organisations who believe in the creative power of communities to make positive change in the places they live.

We are rooted in Amber Valley, Derbyshire with networks reaching out beyond. We believe everyone is creative and want Amber Valley to be a place full of makers, where everyone’s creativity matters.

A big part of our work is testing new ways of working and learning together, which shift more power and resources to communities to make decisions, take action, and make change together on their doorstep.

Make/Shift is part of Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places programme. Find out more >>>

Platform Thirty1 are a local arts organisation specialising in enabling others to cultivate social change through artistic practice, cultural endeavour and creativity.

We are interested in changing the balance of power and agency through a co-created approach, with partners and participants. There are three core strands to our work:
  • Sector Development: predominately cross-sector work supporting professionals in arts, education, and neighbourhood spaces
  • Community: predominately co-creating with residents and a community-first approach in ex-industrial places in Derbyshire
  • Refuges: predominately women and children who are victims and survivors of domestic abuse

Find out more >>>


Our team