Open Collective
Open Collective

CSA Fundraiser


Help us fill the Worcester community fridges with locally grown, organic produce, all summer long!


CSA Fundraiser is all of us

Our contributors 14

Thank you for supporting CSA Fundraiser.

National Grid

$2,500 USD


Sprout Sponsor

$1,200 USD

Lori, Ben, Di...

Seed Sponsor

$1,000 USD

Saint Gobain ...

Harvest Sponsor

$1,000 USD

Candace atchue

Sprout Sponsor

$500 USD


Seed Sponsor

$250 USD

Sarah Lange

Seed Sponsor

$250 USD

White Eagle A...

Seed Sponsor

$250 USD

MOMS Club of ...

Seed Sponsor

$250 USD

Amanda & Have...

Give What You Can

$100 USD


Give What You Can

$100 USD

Abby Holmes

Give What You Can

$50 USD


Hey businesses! We want to partner with you!

What is a CSA share?
CSAs offer the public a way to invest in local agriculture, while enjoying delicious, fresh food throughout the season. Booker T. Whatley first introduced the concept of CSAs in the 1960s as a solution for struggling Black farmers. Worcester Community Fridges purchases CSAs at full price from local farms, making this a great opportunity to support local farmers and the community fridges!

Learn more about CSA roots in Black history!

How long do CSAs last?

Supporting our CSA fundraiser will ensure we can fill the community fridges with local produce for 22 weeks! This means the fridges will be consistently filled with fresh produce from late May to October.

How many CSAs are you trying to raise?

Our goal is to fill each of the 5 fridges wth 3 full CSAs weekly. That is 15 CSAs for the entire season! Each CSA costs roughly $1,000 and can produce between 7-15 pounds of food. 

Who Are the Farms?

Many Hands Organic Farms in Barre, MA

Many Hands Organic Farm grows certified organic produce, meat and eggs in Barre, MA. MHOF has been in existence since 1982 and has been selling to the public since 1985. Thanks to the generosity from stakeholders at MHOF, they match our fundraising amount. Last year, due to a combined fundraising effort, we were able to secure 14 CSA shares from MHOF!

Global Village at Tuck Away Farm in Grafton, MA

Global Village is an international initiative building centers for education, training and movement building. They are part of creating a new sustainable economy and cooperative living spaces with low income immigrant communities of color and other colonized and marginalized people. Food justice is at the center of their practices at the farm, and a CSA is a great way to balance the needs of the farmers and the community. Global Village Farms uses restorative agro-ecology methods such as minimal-till, chemical-free, and companion planting.

We are still looking for another farm or orchard to partner with for this growing season! Have a favorite grower? Let us know! We are looking for farmers who grow culturally relevant produce and/or fruit!

Our team




Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Seed Sponsor

Andrew McGrath

Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Core Contributor

Daina F.

Core Contributor

Cotyledon Farm

Core Contributor



Mint Kitchen ...

Core Contributor

Nicole M.

Core Contributor

Karen C.

Core Contributor

R. C.

Core Contributor

Sally B

Core Contributor

Meg T.

Core Contributor


Core Contributor


Transparent and open finances.

-$3,946.99 USD

Credit from MOMS Club of Worcester Area to CSA Fundraiser

Contribution #743790
Contribution #735712
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$6,888.85 USD

Total disbursed

$6,888.85 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD