Open Collective
Open Collective

Worcester Community Fridges


 Worcester Community Fridges believes having daily access to fresh food is a human right. In Worcester, 15% of families, have identified as living with food insecurity. While navigating the Covid-19 pandemic, these numbers have risen significantly within our city. Community fridges are open 24/7, leaving no barriers in the way of someone accessing free food. 

According to a 2010 USDA study, there is approximately 133 billion pounds of food that is wasted and sent to land fills annually. With 1 in 7 children in the United States living in food insecure homes, wondering where their next meal will come from, the amount of food waste produced in this country is an act of violence. Within our organizing efforts, we partner with farms, grocers, and local restaurants to rescue food that would other wise be thrown away.  In organizing these food rescue missions, we ensure that neighbors will be able to access free, fresh, food daily. Our free food initiative is rooted in mutual aid, meaning this is a fully community run operation with the goal of developing community resilience and ultimately liberation from the power structures that are designed to oppress and regulate us. This is mutual aid, not charity. The goal of a community fridge is empowerment and building long term relationships with community members.