Open Collective
Open Collective


For creating web-based open source business software framework for any scale from individual to LLC Holdings

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DataMeister is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting DataMeister.

Yriy Zakharash

Core Contributor


DataMeister – business software 
Once you wish to start any your business you wish to log your business events, accumulate data and have automated reports to understand which vector things are going, are particular decisions are effective or not. You wish to give your partners or employees a simple user interface to log events from any physical place without installing any software. 

And how to solve this needs with minimum of money? Especially if your business is new and small. 

That is what DataMeister is focused for. To solve questions listed above and: 

  • Work with your software solution built on DataMeister from any place having just internet and web browser 
  • Spent the sum comparable to month coffee expenses to start 
  • Develop new features per demand with less time and money spent on development 
  • Share any live data to your partners via web page or embedded into other page, password protected or public. 
  • Own it fully not dependent from any organization with maximum isolation or use protected cloud to care the less about technical things not related to your business. 
  • Bring the same patterns among different solutions built on DataMeister familiar to any end user or developer 

If compare what DataMeister is like – it is like SAP or Microsoft Dynamics or Sage. Technically different, but to solve same end tasks. And simplier. 

That’s humble general explanation of  idea. Further explanation with more details below will be divided into sections for developers who curious, for managers who wish their business to work like single brain. 
The general definition of DataMeister – open source web-based business logic framework for any type and scale of business. It’s a tool to build a logic how your business data and events are collected, processed, agreed with responsible persons and assembled into final reports. Yes, its designed to be deployed form single café to international enterprise holding. 

And I must highlight – this campaign and its goal is to complete first version of DataMeister, described in point 1 of “stretch goals”. Product is in development and not existing as end product. More information about stages you will see in “stretch goals” section. 

DataMeister framework offers a simple set of pre-designed basic entities which role understandable for business manager and for developer. This entities are used to build logic of your business solution and they are common among any business solution which build DataMeister framework. 
List of entities for manager
  • DataForm – this is a form for event in your business. Invoice, customer or supplier or department request, order, any HR document. Has heading and can have table to list details. Flows per your organization responsible persons. And form a valuable data to account into reports. 
  • Report – the live result form DataForm assembled by dimensions (goods, persons, periods, etc …) into math results (amounts, sums, counts, any complex expressions you have seen in Excel). More just than tables with expandable levels of grouping, but also clusterization of data, diagrams, graphics. With drilling into details you can dive into primary original DataForms which formed the math result you have clicked to verify and ensure. 

List of entities for developers

Sure you have read list above, so I won’t repeat it, all I have to add is required entities are fieldable and go list on below. 

  • DataAccumulator – this entities store the excerption from DataForm, most valuable data for forming Reports or use for automatic filling of some DataForms or displaying a hint to user with totals per dimensions. Also used to store data which is changes with time, e.g. salary. You need this when you reprocess or operate old DataForms. 
  • DataLists – static data elements which is used to populate fields of anything, e.g. “employees”, “goods”, “cars”, “products”, “areas” whatever. 
  • DQL – Data Query Language. Internal replacement of SQL where will be no need to care about DB primitives and how data is stored in DB, operate entities instead of primitives. Describe your query with DQL code or by mouse in visual schema which and check DQL result code. 
  • StringEntity – yes, strings will be entities. This brings many opportunities, I will describe one. Imagine you have a very humble imagination from client what type of data he will input in some field of DataForm. Then instead of trying to guess DataLists structure for this field just use StringEntity. User will have string field with autocomplete in UI. Later having real data from user you may convert StringEntity to DataLists using built in tools. Also very useful for multilanguage. 

… And lots of others like “users”, “permissions”, “workflow conditions”, “scheduled background jobs”, “events subscriptions” … - I see no need to list them all here, video tutorial and manual will explain them better. 

I should highlight it also has own solution repository. With it developer can push and rollback changes like in Git, grab objects, track any changes with description and rollback if needed. 

For developers DataMeister is focused for: code the less, care about solution logic leaving technical details for framework; spend less time for UI design, leave UI for generator and adjust results if needed; do changes to existing data structure fast  and without risks. 

Why to create DataMeister and campaign at all? 

Because I have 10 years of experience in buildings and maintaining business software. Later I decided there is no further growth for me as developer and in 2015 went to web developing freelance. But here in web I do mostly same tasks related to enterprise needs. And very often I meet from clients requests to build accounting of something I could build with previous desktop framework in less than week, but in web building for month with multiple of corrections which become clear only after client uses solution for some time. So I wish to boost the processes in enterprise software building as much as possible. Plus overcome disadvantages of existing desktop solutions of “traditional frameworks” like: heavy resources usage, high cost of start and support, multiple licensing, licensing users/workplaces limitations, complex integration with web and others. 

So since 6 months of my freelance I faced an idea to reproduce from scratch experience and tools in new framework using modern technologies. And last 2 years was actively practicing in how to build framework and how to get finances. Now I need near 1 year of work to produce first version and finances to stop all other earnings and focus on DataMeister only. 

About perks 

As product of campaign is not non-substantial the perks are mostly also: simple honour record in project official web-site with your name and sum; extended honour record with name which leads to public page in project official web-site where you describe any information you wish to be known about you or your company.

8$ and above - simple honour record + download access 

64$ and above - extended honour record + download access 

256$ and above - extended honour record + download access + something you will say

Stretch goals 

In this campaign sum is set to fulfill point 1 from list below. But I won’t stop just reaching point 1, the project has continuous lifecycle and I will repeat campaign or search for investors to go on. Having prototype from point 1 gives more trust and opportunities. Each sum below includes sum from previous points. The more will be collected for each step the faster I can initiate next one. Except first where I have to build basics on my own and then join other developers to continue the visible path. 

1.       Building first release of framework – the core. Creating manual and video lessons for developers. 70000$ and above, 1 year 
2.       Building a team. Further development and support of core and business solutions will require at least 3 extra developers. Also would be good to have designer and communication manager to share tasks effectively. 200000$ and above, 6 months 
3.       Developing basic business solutions for particular business kinds. They would be a starting point for some kind of business for further customization. 230000$ and above, 3 months for each solution. 
4.       Creating the Core Office and narrow specialized freelancing platform. Core office will care for troubles between clients and freelancers, offering guaranties client won’t stay in dead end with his task or trouble. Also will care about further improving of framework core and solutions written by Core Office or partners. 500000$, less than year. 
5.       Building Cloud/SaaS infrastructure – new client may have ready solution with few clicks not involving freelancer or Core Office worker. 550000$, less than year. 

The completion of the first stage should be considered the release of the first version of the framework. All backers will be informed by email. Also will be post in social pages and official website. Small milestones reaching also will be informed by social pages and official website. 



History have seen lots of cool ideas, which even were implemented, but have not attracted enough of people to live and develop. Of course I don’t wish such destiny to DataMeister and time spent on it. It seems that building up community of specialists, like many open source project do, should be enough good. Yes, community would be. But I think its not enough. In parallel must exists a schema where people motivated by own profit. This motivation will boost flow in of “new minds” into DataMeister community, they will also attract new clients, as services they implement for client using DataMeister are their financial profit. That is the primary task of “new minds” – they are freelancers. And to help freelancer to become found and hired and easy payed Core Office would provide own narrow specialized freelancing platform. To help number of freelancers grow Core Office must produce clear educational videos about DataMeister framework and schema explaining how to work with freelancing platform. For client Core Office guaranties to solve any difficulties if freelancer was not able. The main task of Core Office is to develop framework, own solutions built with framework, ensure clients are happy and freelancers are glad with tools they have. To be able to work full time and extend Core Office will take humble percent from earning of each freelancer and humble payment for download access from client. Core Office may offer own specialists same way as freelancer do. Freelancers may unite into own companies which are also represented in freelancing platform among individuals. 

But this is far ahead. The minimum of this campaign is to create first release. All the rest will take its time. I am just telling this to explain that I don’t wish to build some toy to assert myself and let it be as chance defines. 

[…picture schema…] 

[…milestones schema…] 

Our team

Yriy Zakharash

Core Contributor