On Debates you’ll encounter a wide array of interesting people and topics. The server takes its moderation seriously and is a place of intellectually honest discussion.
Today's Balance
Total maintainance cost
per year

Debates is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting Debates.

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #80826
Contribution #80825
-$83.36 CAD
Today’s balance--.-- CAD
Total raised
$119.78 CAD
Total disbursed
$119.78 CAD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- CAD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Debates
Updates on our activities and progress.
Layout Bot
Better solutions for better channel setupWe've added a custom bot that makes your experience as a user just that much better. It makes only the necessary channels appear, so that you don't need to see any less t...
Published on July 26, 2019 by Clincoin

Debates is a guild on discord and is therefore subject to their terms of service & community guidelines.
The server design is made with actual data in mind. The server uses a service that lets it analyse where and how activity happens. This is a powerful tool for guild design, and we have used it for its full worth. For our guilds goal, the current design is the best.
We deploy an ELO system, which users use to encourage quality debate. With this system in place, we rank people based upon their perceived skill. This way we create a hierarchy with utmost representativeness without bias. Truly good debaters will rise under this system.
Our moderation is another tenet of pride, as we take an evidential approach as to good moderation. By using powerful tools such as a Big 5 and MBTI, we bring out the best in each other. Via logging solutions, you can be assured that we will have all the information we need to make a fair judgement. Our moderation is more harmonious than most and centred around evidence and justice.
We do scheduled debates. One of them is our daily discussion, where any user puts a question up for vote, and the question with the most points gets asked once a day. This makes it so that high quality questions are always available. From high quality questions, great discussion follows. There is also our weekend recap, midweek and Friday debate. These debates take place in VC, and we discuss relevant topics to what is happening in the world. We also discuss other topics. There are debates every day.
The guild has other media platforms it engages itself via, like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch and Open Collective. To cover the cost of subscribing to our great moderation features, we appreciate your visit to our Open Collective page, where donations can be made. You get a special announcement on Twitter if you donate, and we will make sure to thank you personally.