Open Collective
Open Collective
Gitlab 15.7.8 is available from
Published on March 8, 2023 by Pirate Praveen

This update brings latest upstream security updates to our users. There were two difficulties in this update, 1. building grpc needs a machine with lots of free disk space and Praveen's laptop did not have that much free space (last time even 40GB free space was not enough). 2. Gitlab's checks for sidekiq was failing.

For issue 1, vv221 from #debian-gitlab irc channel stepped in and built grpc on their server. For issue 2 also vv221 found out upstream now supports only sidekiq clusters now. So the gitlab-sidekiq service was updated to start sidekiq in cluster mode instead of a stand alone instance using the script sidekiq-cluster provided by gitlab upstream.

We recommend all our users to update to this version. As usual, in case of any issues, contact us via or open a bug on