Debian Gitlab
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Make native Debian packages (.deb) of gitlab and its dependencies (mainly ruby, nodejs and golang libraries).

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Simon Josefsson
$40 USD since Apr 2023
Debian Gitlab is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting Debian Gitlab.
Pirate Praveen
Abhijith PA
Sruthi Chandran
Mohd Bilal
Core Contributor
Vinay Keshava
Vivek KJ
Core Contributor
Simon Josefsson
$40 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #649604
Contribution #649604
Contribution #649604
Today’s balance$31.86 USD
Total raised
$31.86 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Debian Gitlab
Updates on our activities and progress.
gitlab 16.11.6: latest upstream security release
We are happy to announce gitlab 16.11.6 is now available from and this make the native Debian package in sync with upstrea...
Published on July 17, 2024 by Pirate Praveen
gitlab 16.8.4: security update
We have now released gitlab 16.8.4 (security update) and it is now available from via bookworm. Few of the changes in this...
Published on March 11, 2024 by Vinay Keshava
gitlab 16.6.5: with logrotate configuration
We have released gitlab 16.6.5 update via This brings a long requested feature of integrating logrotate configuration file...
Published on January 21, 2024 by Pirate Praveen

This project make installation of gitlab on Debian server as easy as apt install gitlab wihtout any manual steps or configurations. It asks a few questions like domain name and configures everything automatically. Database, web server, TLS certificates are configured and one just have to visit the URL to start using the gitlab server.
We try to package all dependencies and components of gitlab written mainly in ruby, nodejs and golang, but since the number of nodejs dependencies are too huge, we are not able to package all of them and we use a hybrid approach of using as much packaged dependencies as possible, hoping to package all dependencies eventually.
Since gitlab releases are supported only for three months, we are not able to provide the package via official repositories, so we maintain unofficial for providing gitlab to users.
Gitlab Inc sponsored work on this project for 6+ years until recently. Now we are looking for the community to support it.
Learn more about this project at
We try to package all dependencies and components of gitlab written mainly in ruby, nodejs and golang, but since the number of nodejs dependencies are too huge, we are not able to package all of them and we use a hybrid approach of using as much packaged dependencies as possible, hoping to package all dependencies eventually.
Since gitlab releases are supported only for three months, we are not able to provide the package via official repositories, so we maintain unofficial for providing gitlab to users.
Gitlab Inc sponsored work on this project for 6+ years until recently. Now we are looking for the community to support it.
Learn more about this project at
Our team
Pirate Praveen
Abhijith PA
Sruthi Chandran
Mohd Bilal
Core Contributor
Vinay Keshava
Vivek KJ
Core Contributor