Open Collective
Open Collective
gitlab 15.9.8, bye bye bullseye and weclome bookworm!
Published on May 26, 2023 by Pirate Praveen

We now have gitlab 15.9.8 available in both bullseye-fasttrack and bookworm-fasttrack. We won't be able to support bullseye-fasttrack any more.

This updates was very painful and ugly already as the upgrade was failing at multiple steps on bullseye, initially in database migration and then in gitlab-puma service failing to start. First issue somehow got fixed itself when retried after a few days, the second issue was solved by updating ruby-zetwerk.

So we recommend everyone move to bookworm-fasttrack as soon as possible to continue receiving security updates. Upgrade instructions are available at

Thanks to Vinay and others who contributed to this release.