Debbie O'Brien
Frontend Tech Lead at Patterson Agency - Teacher at Vue School, Writer at Ultimate Courses, Contributor to webpack and Nuxt, International Speaker, Slack Moderator and Project Reviewer at Treehouse - Mentor at OpenClassrooms.


Transparent and open finances.
contribution to webpack
from Debbie O'Brien to webpack •
-$452.00 USD
web services
↑ Total contributed
--.-- USD
↓ Total received with expenses
$452.00 USD

Frontend Tech Lead at Patterson Agency - Teacher at Vue School, Writer at Ultimate Courses, Contributor to webpack and Nuxt, International Speaker, Slack Moderator and Project Reviewer at Treehouse - Mentor at OpenClassrooms.
My intention is to create a Nuxt boilerplate project so that people have a playground of Nuxt goodies to play around with such as i18n, pwa, testing, generators and so much more. This project obviously needs to be maintained and built upon.