Open Collective
Open Collective

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Year end "What's Update"
Published on December 21, 2022 by Dan Hannigan

What did you accomplish during 2022? How did you use money?

This year we shifted over to Discord and saw some pretty solid growth & success with that change. Most users came to that new space, and we're seeing regular activity. During 2022 I used some of the money to handle Discord-related costs (subscriptions for particular services) — I'll likely continue to do that going forward rather than taking care of our monthly bills. 

What challenges did you face during 2022? What did your Collective learn? How did you change or grow?

The biggest challenge we faced was moving to Discord, getting folks to follow along, and adapting to that new space. We learned how we could adapt our conversations in the newer space and also how to use the new tools available to us. I think we grew in realizing where people are chatting and what we can do to support that. 

What are your plans for 2023? Anything exciting coming up?

Our plans for 2023 are continuing to work on and expand Denver Devs, leaning into how we can bolster that community with events and more. We're also starting up a new initiative, focused less on developers and more on general tech folk in the Denver area. 

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