Open Collective
Open Collective
Thank you all awesome backers! Here are some updates on Deskreen
Published on February 9, 2021 by Pavlo (Paul) Buidenkov

FAQ on Deskreen website is ready

Since first launch of app we gathered useful feedback from users and got lot of questions asked.

So we've created FAQ on our website.

You can see it here:

Set for Performance Improvements

I saw some users were complaining about performance issues on Windows.

Most of the time I develop Deskreen on my Mac so haven't noticed this issue before.

So I tried it and also noticed minor performance issues on Windows 10 when dragging Deskreen window.

There is also a problem on weak Windows machines. The problem is that screen sharing can't be started. But

this does not happen on weak Linux machines though. I will be investigating more on this issue.

More on this issue here:

We will try to fix this performance problem in the upcoming releases. Stay tuned.