do_action Ijebu
Annual charity hackathon bringing our community together to build websites for local non-governmental organisations.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$1,983 USD since May 2019
$50 USD since Jan 2023
do_action Ijebu is all of us
Our contributors 4
Thank you for supporting do_action Ijebu.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from PXR tech to do_action Ijebu •
Credit from WordPress Foundation (Host) to do_action Ijebu •
$45.25 USD
$2,028.25 USD
$1,983.00 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from do_action Ijebu
Updates on our activities and progress.
This event is now over, we look forward to 2020
We are now accepting applications from NGOs doing charitable goodness in Ijebu and Environs

The Ijebu community is a network of designers and website builders who believe that WordPress is the perfect platform for any organisation to use to build their online presence effectively. This will be our first time holding the do_action WordPress Charity Hackathon where we will spend a full day building brand new websites for a selection of local charities and NGOs.
Our team
Michael Job
Mary Job