Open Collective
Open Collective
End of the Year Update - Hillary Harris
Published on December 31, 2021 by Hillary Harris

We are very close to starting working with the program HMIS (Homeless Management Information System). This is what I will be heading and admin of. This system is used by all the social service agencies in town and will allow us to print Service Point ID cards (which are valid forms of ID in Travis County for the unhoused), create and look-up profiles for everyone, and I can begin training to administer coordinated assessments. Coordinated assessments are pretty much the gate-keepers for rapid/ affordable housing in most places. I'm excited by this as it will cut out a lot of middle man when needing to look up clients. 

Most of my time is still spent filling out MAP applications, food stamps, and getting basic documents for clients. Recently I have had incredible experiences at the DMV. Both at the one on N. Lamar and the Pflugerville DMV. It was really motivating to me. Not only did they accept someone as a walk-in without an appointment, they also let me go get a form notarized with someone else and come back, same day!

Michelle Joseph

Posted on December 31, 2021

Not to mention that this is all volunteer based on Hillary’s part! She really has been the backbone to all that we are accomplishing. I couldn’t even begin to do all the things she has been.