Animated Explainer: How Plants Cool The Planet
Part of: EcoRestoration Alliance
A video by Jimi Sol sponsored by the ERA Fund and TheFenwickFoundation
Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #642020
-$4,650.00 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$4,650.00 USD
Total disbursed
$4,650.00 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD
With support from the TheFenwickFoundation, the ERA Fund, and several ERA members, film-maker Jimi Sol is creating an animated expainer entitled How Plants Cool the Planet.
You can see a draft preview here.
One of Jimi's earlier explainers is featured on the ERA homepage.
Others can be seen on Youtube Jimi Sol - YouTube
For more information about this project, and how we make funding decisions, see our deliberations page at Targeted donation for the completion of Jimi Sol's video, "How plants cool the planet"
You can see a draft preview here.
One of Jimi's earlier explainers is featured on the ERA homepage.
Others can be seen on Youtube Jimi Sol - YouTube
For more information about this project, and how we make funding decisions, see our deliberations page at Targeted donation for the completion of Jimi Sol's video, "How plants cool the planet"
Our team
Jon Schull
Evan Blackmon
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Animated Explainer: How Plants Cool The Planet is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Animated Explainer: How Plants Cool The Planet.